Seemed to work good...everybody I talked to liked the two records I played sections from, and now the show is yours to download by way of podcast.
The first artist featured was Konrad, a man from Boise, Idaho who concocted a bizarre synth-pop record in the mid-80's. Topics range from how he is a music scientist from the future concocting tunes in a lab, how aliens will never come to earth (again) because people are too stupid, and how his girlfriend likes to buy things which stimulate her's a pretty wild, low-fidelity ride. His track 'My Girl' has popped up quite frequently on the program, and I was glad to finally get a hold of the entire album. After tracking down 'Konrad' (not his real name), I found him to be a definitely eccentric character, but also really friendly and interesting. Hopefully, once I find time, I will have him as a guest on the program. Also, as if that's all not strange enough, check out the metallic-looking album cover:

Billy R. Couvson - Ching Chong China
White Coffee - Voodoo
Konrad - People
Konrad - It's Only a Matrix
Konrad - Alien
Konrad - My Girl Likes to Buy
Konrad - One Way Motorcycle Ride
Parasites of the Western World - You Must be Joe King
Parasites of the Western World - Alienending
Parasites of the Western World - Mo
Parasites of the Western World - Accessories
Parasites of the Western World - God or Just a Slow Breeze
Wild Man Fischer with Smegma - Breakfast with Bananas
Beat of the Earth - This is an Artistic Statement, Pt. 1
Henry Flynt and the Insurrections - Go down
Tommy Jay and Mike Rep - Box Boy
Joint Effort - Stay High!
Residents - Almost Perfect
Residents - We Stole this Riff
Relatively Clean Rivers - Babylon
Bruce Haack - Supernova
C.A. Quintet - Cold Spider
C.A. Quintet - Cold Spider
First of all, I can't thank you enough for taking the time and trouble to feature our music on your show. It's always an honor when someone not only takes an interest in our work but goes the extra mile and shares it with others. I only have one small complaint and that is in your write up you somehow got the idea that we were Rush fans. With all due respect to R and their many many fans, Terry and I weren't really into their music at all. We were influenced at that time mainly by German bands like Neu, Faust, and Can. Also we hailed from Oregon rather than Ohio. Thanks again for your interest in what we did so long ago. Best of luck to you!
It has been changed, my friend. I think whatever review I initially read for your record had stated Rush was a big influence, which I didn't see really, but I rolled with it. Neu, Faust and Can makes a lot more sense. Were you guys into Chrome at all? That stuff strikes me as kind of similar to what you were doing back then. Also, great job on the album, it kicks ass and I still play it on WIDR pretty regularly even though I don't do this show anymore.
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