Deathmass - Bone Orchard
Astaroth - Aullido Sepulcral
Black Sabbath - The Fallen (Demo)
Eyehategod - Sabbath Jam
Nasum - Stormshield
Ambulance - Shark Attack
The Equinox ov the Gods - The Witches' Rune
Necropolis - Despair
The Meads of Asphodel - Jew Killer
Cannibal Corpse - Drowning in Viscera
Leatherwolf - Bad Moon Rising
Mercy - I'm Your Pervert Priest
Enmerkar - Pale Lord Pilgrimage of the Winter Born
Candlemass - At the Gallows End (request)
Xasthur - Reflecting Hateful Energy (request)
Black Spiders - KISS Tried to Kill Me
X-Wild - Die Like a Man
Melechesh - Ghouls of Nineveh
Grotesscolandia - Madrugada Dos Mortos
Lawnmower Deth - Cobwoman of Deth Meets Mr. Smellymop
Cemetary - Ebony Rain
Master's Hammer - Geniove
Nocte Obducta - Nebel II (looooooonnnnnng)
Bothers - Kill for Insanity
Faithful Breath - Play the Game
Orange 9mm - High Speed Changer
The Mass - Vile Requiem
Black Funeral - Leviathan--The Black Oceans Roar
Mortician - Eaten Alive by Maggots
Gravity Kills - Enough
16 - Me and My Shadow
Heavy as fuck. Enjoyeee.
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